DISCLAIMER: AnnaandDuke.com is a non-profit fansite, created by and for fans of Anna and Duke, Finola Hughes, Ian Buchanan
and General Hospital.  It is in no way connected with ABC, General Hospital, Finola Hughes or Ian Buchanan, or any of their
affiliates.  All images, music, clips and articles are the property of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended.
"Do That To Me One More Time" by Captain and Tennille - Anna and Duke dance
in Duke's office following their first tango.
"Jalousie", performed here by Quintango - Anna and Duke's first tango at
Duke's, and also their reconciliation tango at Club Duke.
"In a Sentimental Mood", performed here by Sonny Rollins and The Modern Jazz
Quartet - Anna and Duke's first dance at the Policemen's Ball, and used
frequently throughout their relationship.  "Their song".
"Someone to Watch Over Me", performed here by Gene Ammons - Anna meets
Duke at the Policemen's Ball.  She sings a few bars of it before he walks up
behind her.  
"La Cumparsita", performed here by Quintango - Anna and Duke's tango music
for the costume party at Duke's Club.
"You and Me Against the World", performed here by Gladys Knight and the
Pips - Anna is under pressure during the Frisco and Felicia investigation.  Duke
gives her the keys to his penthouse as shelter from the storm.