DISCLAIMER: AnnaandDuke.com is a non-profit fansite, created by and for fans of Anna and Duke, Finola Hughes, Ian Buchanan
and General Hospital. It is in no way connected with ABC, General Hospital, Finola Hughes or Ian Buchanan, or any of their
affiliates. All images, music, clips and articles are the property of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended.
"Marie's Wedding", performed here by The Pipes and Drums of the Scots
Guards - Bagpipe recessional at Anna and Duke's wedding.
"Scotland the Brave", performed here by The Lowland Band - Entrance music
for the sword dancers at Anna and Duke's wedding reception.
"Annie's Song", by James Galway - This instrumental version of the famous
John Denver song is Anna and Duke's honeymoon theme.
"Sword Dance (Gillie Calum)", performed here by The Lowland Band of the
Scottish Division - The sword dancers' music at Anna and Duke's reception.
"Bonnie Dundee", performed here by Steve Reel - Anna and Duke's first
dance as husband and wife.
"Hernando's Hideaway", performed here by Ella Fitzgerald - Sung by Sean and
Tiffany, and then by Duke to Anna following the tango competition at Duke's.