DISCLAIMER: AnnaandDuke.com is a non-profit fansite, created by and for fans of Anna and Duke, Finola Hughes, Ian Buchanan
and General Hospital.  It is in no way connected with ABC, General Hospital, Finola Hughes or Ian Buchanan, or any of their
affiliates.  All images, music, clips and articles are the property of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended.
"The Death Theme from the Untouchables" by Ennio Morricone - Anna refuses
to accept Duke is dead at the warehouse.  
"Tuscany" by Suzanne Ciani - Sad music from around the time of Duke's death.
"Rain Man" by Hans Zimmer - Duke on the airplane after the fake death.  Also
plays when Anna tells Robin that Duke is dead.
"Wind Beneath My Wings" by Bette Midler - Anna mourns Duke in their
bedroom before trying to pack his clothes away.  
"Ample Make This Bed" by Marvin Hamlisch - Anna and the second Duke plan
their future in the warden's office at the jail-- their one brief happy moment
together when he returned.
"Loch Lomond", performed here by Moira Kerr - Sung by Terri O'Connor at
Duke's memorial service.
"Somewhere", performed here by Audra McDonald - Duke contemplates the
future following his testimony against the Jerome family.